You are herediversity


Ecology and exploration of the rare biosphere


Lynch M. D. J. & Neufeld J. D. (2015). Nature Reviews Microbiology 13: 217–229.


The Source of the River as a Nursery for Microbial Diversity

The Source of the River as a Nursery for Microbial Diversity
Luiz Felipe Valter de Oliveira, Rogério Margis

Ofek et al., 2014. Host signature effect on plant root-associated microbiomes revealed through analyses of resident vs. active c


Host signature effect on plant root-associated microbiomes revealed through analyses of resident vs. active communities


Chaudhary 2014 Fungal Ecology Multiscale amf patternsPillai

The distribution of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungal abundance and diversity across
multiple scales, and the factors that drive spatial patterns, remains largely unknown in
arid ecosystems. We examined multiple measures of AM fungal abundance, as well as
spore diversity and community composition, at microsite (1 m2), local (1 ha), and regional
(5000 ha) scales in semiarid shrublands. At the microsite scale, hyphae, spores, and
glomalin-related soil protein were more abundant underneath shrub canopies, but unvegetated

Reconstructing the Microbial Diversity and Function of Pre-Agricultural Tallgrass Prairie Soils in the United States - Fierer

Reconstructing the Microbial Diversity and Function of Pre-Agricultural Tallgrass Prairie Soils in the United States
Fierer et al. 2013 Science

Real-time microbial adaptive diversification in soil - Ecology Letters

Real-time microbial adaptive diversification in soil, Pedro Gomez and Angus Buckling, Ecology Letters 2013

Bacteria undergo adaptive diversification over a matter of days in test tubes, but the relevance to natural
populations remains unclear. Here, we report real-time adaptive diversification of the bacterium Pseudomonas
fluorescens in its natural environment, soil. Crucially, adaptive diversification was much greater in the absence
of the established natural microbial community, suggesting that resident diversity is likely to inhibit, rather

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