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Human activities are altering global carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) cycles at an unprecedented rate.  It is unclear how significant changes in global elemental cycles will affect ecosystem functions, such as primary productivity or C storage over the long-term.  My research aims to understand how plant-microbe interactions mediate ecosystem-specific responses to global climate change.  This research connects microbial processes to ecosystem functions to yield new insights into microbial ecology and elemental cycling.  Research in my laboratory focuses on three main question

Sheryl Bell

I am a Research Associate II in Kirsten Hofmockel’s lab and am responsible for organization and coordination of the day-to-day lab and fieldwork activities for the postdoctoral researchers, graduate students, and undergraduate research assistants. My background is in microbial ecology with an interest in how microbial diversity and function in a broad range of ecosystems is impacted by human activities such as agriculture, eutrophication and climate change.

Email- [email protected]

Kirsten Hofmockel

Kirsten Hofmockel is an associate professor in the Ecology, Evolution and Organismal Biology Department at Iowa State University.  She directs the Microbial Ecology Laboratory, which focuses on connecting microscale mechanism to ecosystem-scale biogeochemical processes.
[email protected]


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