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Plant rhizosphere influence on microbial C metabolism: the role of elevated CO2, N availability and root stoichiometry

Yolima Carrillo • Feike A. Dijkstra •
Elise Pendall • Dan LeCain • Colin Tucker

Abstract Microbial decomposer C metabolism is
considered a factor controlling soil C stability, a key
regulator of global climate. The plant rhizosphere is
now recognized as a crucial driver of soil C dynamics
but specific mechanisms by which it can affect C
processing are unclear. Climate change could affect
microbial C metabolism via impacts on the plant
rhizosphere. Using continuous 13C labelling under

Effects of atmospheric N deposition on plant-microbe interactions

Across broad spatial scales we know that the structure and function of plant and soil microbial communities influence each other. This is because the availability of growth-limiting resources shapes the composition of biotic communities. Resource availability for soil microorganisms is constrained by organic compounds in dead leaves and roots that can be used to generate cellular energy.

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