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Forum topic Microbial production of recalcitrant organic matter in global soils: implications for productivity and climate policy akeiser 11/06/2014 - 11:54
Forum topic Beliaev et al.: Inference of interactions in cyanobacterial–heterotrophic co-cultures via transcriptome sequencing fan.michelle.yang 11/06/2014 - 10:00
Forum topic Evans et al., Greater ecosystem carbon in the Mojave Desert after ten years exposure to elevated CO2. NCC xuxia 10/29/2014 - 09:46
Forum topic Mau et al. 2014 Linking soil bacterial biodiversity and soil carbon stability. ISME elzbach 10/29/2014 - 07:53
Forum topic Smith et al. 2014 Microbial community structure varies across soil aggregate pools in tropics. SBB 77:292-303 elzbach 10/24/2014 - 09:20
Forum topic Anacker 2014 Ecology Letters Phylogenetic conservatism in plant-soil feedback and its implications for plant abundance khof 10/23/2014 - 08:45
Forum topic Co-occurrence patterns of plants and soil bacteria in the high-alpine subnival zone track environmental harshness rnerb 10/21/2014 - 09:20
Forum topic Neufeld 2014, mBio, Multisubstrate Isotope Labeling and Metagenomic Analysis of Active Soil Bacterial Communities khof 10/16/2014 - 12:47
Forum topic Buttigieg and Ramette A Guide to Statistical Analysis in Microbial Ecology: a community-focused review of multiv. analyses FEMS ryanw 10/16/2014 - 12:33
Forum topic Microbial community transcriptomes reveal microbes and metabolic pathways associated with dissolved organic matter turnover in t rnerb 10/16/2014 - 10:58
Forum topic Bradford et al. 2014. Ecosystem multifunctionality and soil community complexity. PNAS 111:14478-14483 elzbach 10/16/2014 - 08:56
Forum topic Nitrogen input quality changes the biochemical composition of soil organic matter stabilized in the fine fraction: a long-term s akeiser 10/15/2014 - 19:31
Person Xia Xu xuxia 10/14/2014 - 14:16
Forum topic Boaro et al 2014 Integrated ‘omics analysis for studying the microbial community response to a pH perturbation of a cellulose-de bellsl 10/14/2014 - 14:00
Forum topic Microbial mediation of biogeochemical cycles revealed by simulation of global changes with soil transplant and cropping sharg 10/09/2014 - 19:20
Forum topic Extracellular enzyme kinetics sharg 10/09/2014 - 19:18
Forum topic Gifford et al., Linking activity and function to ecosystem dynamics in a coastal bacterioplankton community fan.michelle.yang 10/09/2014 - 10:51
Forum topic Ofek et al., 2014. Host signature effect on plant root-associated microbiomes revealed through analyses of resident vs. active c gbay 10/07/2014 - 08:46
Forum topic Averill C. 2014. Divergence in plant and microbial allocation strategies explains continental patterns in microbial allocation a gbay 10/07/2014 - 08:39
Forum topic Orellana et al: Detecting Nitrous Oxide Reductase (nosZ) Genes in Soil Metagenomes: Method Development and Implications for the fan.michelle.yang 10/02/2014 - 10:44
Forum topic Pinnell et al. 2014 Recovering glycoside hydrolase genes from active tundra cellulolytic bacteria bellsl 09/25/2014 - 16:20
Forum topic Ofek-lalzar et al., 2014 Niche and host-associated functional signatures of the root surface microbiome Nature Comm. ryanw 09/25/2014 - 13:03
Forum topic Vage et al., 2014 Optimal Defense Strategies in an Idealized Microbial Food Web under Trade-Off between competition and defense rnerb 09/25/2014 - 12:36
Person Ashley Keiser akeiser 09/24/2014 - 10:49
Forum topic Karhu 2014 Nature: Temperature sensitivity of soil respiration rates enhanced by microbial community response khof 09/22/2014 - 10:27

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