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Cellulolytic potential under environmental changes in microbial communities from grassland litter
Renaud Berlemont, Steven D. Allison, Claudia Weihe, Ying Lu, Eoin L. Brodie, Jennifer B. H. Martiny, and Adam C. Martiny
Front Microbiol. 2014; 5: 639.
Microbial drivers of global change at the aggregate scale: linking genomic function to carbon metabolism and warming
Co-PI: Adina Howe, Folker Meyer, Galya Orr
Uroz 2012 Plos One Functional Assays and Metagenomic Analyses
Functional Assays and Metagenomic Analyses Reveals Differences between the Microbial Communities Inhabiting the Soil Horizons of a Norway Spruce Plantation
In temperate ecosystems, acidic forest soils are among the most nutrient-poor terrestrial environments. In this context, the
long-term differentiation of the forest soils into horizons may impact the assembly and the functions of the soil microbial
454 Sequencing using PCR primers designed from metagenomic data
Varaljay et al. 2010. AEM 609-617. Deep seqeuencing of a dmdA by using PCR primer pairs designed on the basis of metagenomic data.
* Good description of strategy for designing and testing primers designed from marine metagenomic database.
Metagenomic Approach
This is the paper we discussed at lab group meeting. This may be an interesting lead in terms of primers.